There are many different varieties of men’s socks: no-show, crew, dress, ankle. There are also many different materials. Since we are deep in the midst of winter, today we are focusing solely on men’s wool socks. These are socks that will help keep your feet warm during the cold months, especially if you participate in outdoor activities or will be out in the cold for an extended period of time. Most of these socks are unisex or also come in a women’s version.
We have included socks that have a minimum 4.5 rating with 1,000 minimum reviews.
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Save: ($10 or less per pair)
Alvada Merino Wool Hiking Socks
(4.5 from 26,325 reviews – Amazon)
80% merino wool, 12 different colors/patterns, itch-free material, $19.99 (3-pack)
Buttons & Pleats Wool Socks
(4.6 from 1,396 reviews – Amazon)
80% merino wool, 2 color choices, itch-free material
$9.99-$12.74 (3- pack)
Merrell Unisex Adult Wool Hiking Socks
$23.30 3-pack. “Amazon’s Choice” (4.5 rating, 2,141 reviews Amazon)
Splurge: ($20+/pair of socks)
Bombas Men’s Merino Wool Blend Calf Sock
(4.7 from 14,982 reviews – website)
78% merino wool, 7 different color packs, 4-pack $83.60
Darn Tough: Men’s Hiker Micro Crew Midweight Hiking Sock
(4.9 from 3,381 ratings – website) (4.8 rating – 10,430 reviews Amazon)
61% merino wool, midweight, micro crew socks, 12 colors $25.95/pair
L.L. Bean Adults’ Merino Wool Ragg Socks (Two-pack)
(4.5 from 3,939 ratings – website)
77% merino wool, 3 colors, 2-pack $39.95